Tuesday, May 09, 2006


The sole purpose of this post is to fulfill Tiphs... whatdoyacallit... well in Harrys post she mentioned that both harry and i need to update our blogs.. so. yeah. its updated. HA!

hehehehe... look at da squirrel! super squirrel! a fitting companion for the Super Ninja, dont'ya think? well? huh? huh? well???

WEll, im bored. and ive got to go continue my tedious task of designing house plans. and everyone wonders why i hate graphics, even though im good at it! would YOU like to draw lots of pointless house plans? WELL!?

Never fear, i shall calm myself. I shall post a more... 'relevant' and interesting post later (tomorrow afternoon most likely... possibly with funny pictures)

cioz all.. if anyone is actually/has actually read/seen this


SuperTiph said...

I read and enjoyed and generally like that squirrel. I don't mind if you don't update because you work hard at school and stuff, but Harry shouldn't have to work so hard, or else he'll get premature ulcers, so he has no excuse :P:P

Hey Laura, you know how you make cool looking pictures, like Bonds Man with 2 heads and stuff? Well I think you need to do one of you with a Crown that says, "Ninja Queen" and Carl and Sean@ as your servants. That would be cool. It's probably not possible, but I like to let my imagination work wonders. It's when I start explaining these wonders that the world falls apart.

Anyways, enough rambling for one comment. Go forth and eat as necessary, not as Harry.

Shadow said...

ha... i may just try that... though how i'll get carl and sean as servants, i dunno.. maybe i could pixel that ! or make a brushed picture... ha... CARL! Clean turts tank! SEAN@ sweep outside!

hmm... i like that idea!

and someone read my blog! what im surprised at, Oh the amazing Supertiph, is why you checked my blog thingy-o when it didnt appear that there was gonna be a new post anyway.. =|

Ponyb said...

i read this jeke too! true story! and about me as a servant kind...umm, go for it. itd be good for Laughs. just make it so carL and i have a servant of our own...maybe geroge (if you have pictures of him. geroge, not george.)or Lerchy?

SuperTiph said...

You leave the iguana out of this! He's a very faithful pet, and should not be a servant. You on the other hand would make a very laughable at servant. Lerchy would just look depressed.

P.S. No more capital D's for me, I've had my fun. Feel free to continue or make up you own, like you have to put an apostraphe after every question mark or something random like that.