Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Random Rambling

Hey check out the picture i made ---> All in microsoft paint (the simple, plain, boring program) 30 slides in total, each made in paint, then taken into animation shop 2. yeah. um. yeah. and the text lies. its now 90 combat, but anyway. Theres a better version of this, with stars, but i cant find it... Ive made a lot of these 'signatures' for lots of other people... people used to pay me in game money to make them a sig. I was wellish known. go me, i was wanted for something! YeAH!

If anyone [that is, if anyone reads this anyway...] has cool ideas of things for me to do in paint (same tecnique as the dragon above) or in photoshop, lemme know, aye? I need major ideas, to give me something to do in my spare time. I like making funny pictures, but im horrible at thinking of ideas. The carl-turdle was seans idea, as was the Carl + Sean@ bonds man/men... so yeah... um... yeah.

Today was weird. I mean.. really weird.. I was on the computer, working on AutoCAD, doing work for once, listening to music. Then I notice that the other... 'annoying, rude' people in my class are mucking up/around more often to usual. i pause the music and listen, and the school fire alarm thingy is going off.. so i pack my bag, shut the compujter down and walk to the oval, as is the usual procedure (except, your supposed to drop everything and leave the classroom in 'an orderly fashion' got to teh oval, found ryyarn, started annoying him.. then eventually the principle turned up, and told us that it wasnt a fire alarm.. it was actually just to get a 'emergency full school assembly' to tell us all that the plumbers had gone thru a water pipe (or something-or-otha) and the water was contaminated with dirt and other assorted chemicals/ therefore; no toilets and no water at all. great. just what u need in a school of 2000+ students... anyway, everyone (not just us cool seniors) were all told to get lost (well. not those exact words.. but thats what they meant. Do not pass go, do not stop at Garden city, and make a detoir via the office if you require a phone to make a call to your parents...') well.. that was teh most exciting part of the day...

And below, i give you a dodgy modification of the previously awesome one80 logo thingyo! the original is still awesome.. just not my dodgy flame modifaction one... it is being badz... (please note that quality has been lost whilst uploading and posting this picture/image. when uploading something happened to one of the slides so the pixels on the logo dont line up with the others.. o well)

Hey, this what is written on the bookmark i bought a lil while ago, when amy, pauline, carl and myself made a trip to koorong. anyway.. i just love this;


One night I had a dream. I was walking along the beach with the Lord and I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, but I noticed that many times along the path of life there was only one set of footprints.

And I noticed that it was at the lowest and saddest times in my life. I asked, 'Lord, you said that once I decided to follow You, You would walk with me all the way. But during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why You left my side when I needed you the most." The Lord said, "My precious child, I never left you during your time of trial. Where you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

I just love that.. It shows how much our God loves us. He never abandons us, even when it may look like he has in our own eyes.....

anyway'z... cya'z l8tr'z aye'z? got'z to'z catch'z fish'z


Jim said...

great work, great idea, i am an artist, painter, and i am going to think and get you some good idea for the technique.

you do study hard subjects, but it will pay off, good for you.

Shadow said...

woohoo! yay! thanks!

SuperTiph said...

You have spare time with all the school work you do and all the stuff you do for Carl and all the ninjaring you do? How do you manage it all?? I'm glad you're the Ninja Queen and not me, I just wouldn't cope.

I love your pictures, have you submitted any of them to Ryyarn's competition?

I love the footprints poem too. It's so true and so comforting in the periods when life is a bit too much.

Take care and go IBUTHO!!!

Ponyb said...

well, you could always create a collage kinda thing of AMGF photos. like, have em all in one big picture, with the edges of photos fading and blending into each other and lookin all sweet like. thats my latest idea.

Shadow said...

thanks ponyb. that gave me an idea.. bwahahaha... prob wont turn out as good as id like though =( nothing ever seems to

and yeah, tiph, i manage to look after all my pets (properly, and well) school, look after carl (pfft brothers) and i also manage to fit ninjaring in. i manage it all cause im a super ninja!

that flamey thingyo didnt work out as well as i wanted it to start with =(


Lerchy said...

i got an idea a muffin that gets up and dances

Shadow said...

a muffin that dances.. if i get time in my now unfortunately busy schedule, i shall make a pixel dancing muffin, just for the iguana

jess said...

could you have super squirrel (in his daytime outfit) ducking in to a phone booth to emerge all hero-like?