Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Catchup time

Well. i havent made a new post any time lately. so, now, its catchup time. warning; long thread!

well, my kitten/cat/whatever resently went to the vets and came back very groggy and a bit lighter (she was de-sexed) but two days later she started to try to pull her stitches out. so i rigged up a headcollar for her, so she couldnt pull the stitches out! nice, stylish blue plant pot attatched to her furry collar (its furry cause she dosnt like it, so scratches it to try to get it off. soon as she stops scratching it, ill get her a new one)

so, picture of the pot-head kitty
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speaking of which.. taught misty two new things :p to stand on her back legs to reach my hand, and to climb up my leg to my face while im standing.. so cool!

And guess what? turt got a new tank! its not as big as id have liked, but its better than what she was in! its a 4 foot x 15 inches deep x 18 inches high,, and turt loves it. when i got it i went downtehdam, got some big rocks for the tank as well as more fish and shrimp for her to chase, and lots of new plants. i had lots of new lillies, and i put tehm in there for her. so what did she do? destroy the lillies and leave shreds of their leaves to get stuck in the new filter... and may i mention that the new filter is MASSIVE! 1500 LPH, its a external canister filter with 4 media trays, one with a mechanical sponge, 2 with biological ceramic rings (for growing my new colonies of friendly bacteria) and 1 tray with carbon in it, for making the water clearer...

turt on one of her new rocks
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the new tank. theres no lilly leaves (pretty much) still attatched to teh plants, cause she's eaten/destroyed them all, and theres more of teh other type of plant in there cause she likes searching for shrimp in them.... ill be adding black smooth river pebbles for turt to move and search thru, and more plants and a wooden log and ornamenty things...

ps- spot the turtle!

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Turt action shots! (took a looong time to get these shots, though theyre still not great)
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The Visiting Koala!
for the past 3 days, we've had the pleasure of having a koala in our front yard! we had one in our back yard about a year ago, but he didnt hang around long. this one's been staying in the same tree during the day time, but moving at night. he's even woken up a few times! lol

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and just a boring ol' picture that ive started making in ms paint. nowhere near finished, but oh well.
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thats all now, then i spose! i shall stop boring you all with my shocking photography and crappy pixels!