Saturday, July 15, 2006


well.. i suppose ive gotten over the fact that i adore my new i spost that ill stop talking about how cool, and awesome my blog is.i will especially refrain from talking about those gorgeous tiger eyes on teh banner, and the neat text. and, the dark blueish colours, and the sidebar,and...and.. fine,i get the point. to teh point

well, i use these turtle forums all the time. i think its an american, site, but theres tonnes of good ppl on there that know their turts. course, they have no idea what any of the aussie turt species look like, but thats a minor problem. i get lots of help from these guys (at turtle times) and i recently posted a picture comparing how much turt has grown since the 2nd of january 2006 (day she hatched). so heres the pic! she's grown a lot, for a turtle!! considering upsizing her tank to a 4 or 5 footer!

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Sara said...

awwwwwwwwww... turts pretty much one of the coolest pets ever! i want a turtle!
anyway the blog is super sweet... i wish i knew how to do all that stuff but oh well ... i like the eyes theyre very cool. 20 cents!
yayayay sleepout is gunna rock!
im not making any sense! byebyebyyeybeyeb

Shadow said...


and guess what?! I GOT TURT TO START EATING TURTLE FOOD! now she eats pellets like a good lil turdle, and not just fish, shrimps and a couple of veggies. now she eats lots of veggies and turtle food and fish AND shrimp. wewt!

and sara; turts take a LOT of work lol.. and i probably wont be going to the sleepout, so if i dont, have fun all!

Sara said...

awwwwww you gotta go! Its so much fun! are you saying im not responsible enough to have a turtle? heheehh...i didnt even know turtles ate vegies hmmmm...

Shadow said...

lol they usually only do when theyre adults. and sorry if it came across as me meaning that you wernt responsible. but they do take a lot of time lol. takes me 15mins to half an hour, twice a day, just to feed her, at least 1.5 hrs a week cleaning the tank etc, at least 4 hrs a week catching fish etc... just bought her a turtle dock, instead of the bricks, and ill upgrade her tank as soon as i can afford it :p