Friday, October 06, 2006

Misty survived!

at about 1:30 this afternoon, my mum called me and said that misty was limping, and looked like she had a swollen foot. so i went ot check on her, and her right forepaw was double the size of her other paw. i immediatly thought "snake" and took her to the vets. they gave her a sedative, incase it was a poisonous snake. it would have cost thousands of dollars to give misty the anti venoms (plural, because there are a number of poisonous snakes in our area, so we didnt kno which one she had been bitten by) which, unfortunately, we simply cannot afford. so, because her temp was high, the vet gave her a antibiotic injection on the offchance that the swollen foot was from a bite from a non-venomous snake and caused it to get infected. we took misty home, and i sat with her the whole time. though she was sedated, she was crying and in pain, so i didnt leave her side for hours. however, now the sedative has worn off, and she seems to be ok! her paw is still very saw, though now she is purring and she can walk (though im keeping her as still as possible) so thank God that she's still alive. when i first saw the swollen paw, i noticed some yellow stuff on the surface of her fur. so, all i can assume is that SOMEHOW misty avoided the full force of the snake and its venom. she showed signs of being bitten by a tiger snake, which are deadly. but if it was a tiger snake, she'd be dead. but she's not! so YEAH!! SHE'S ALIVE!! i really thought i was going to lose her...

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